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Intensive Bootcamp

Did your kids miss our regular programme? No need to worry; we've got you covered.
Enroll in our intensive bootcamp designed to help them to catch up on learning progress
and seamlessly continue the journey towards achieving their first milestone.
Pick a Stream To Kickstart Your Journey
In a fast-paced, tech-driven world, we offer 4 carefully selected streams to help your kids become subject-matter experts with fun and progressive learning experiences.
Code Engineering
Engineering the Digital World - The Future is in Code
Focuses on building a strong foundation in coding and practical application development, helping children develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need to excel in the field. Give your child a head start in coding now!
Prompt Engineering
Powering Efficiency and Innovation - The Future of Problem-Solving
Centered around AI tools like ChatGPT with coding language to teach students how to create interactive applications. By mastering the art of prompting, children enhance user experience and harness the power of AI. Co-pilot with AI for next-level coding now!
Creative Media Design
Elevate Your Visual Storytelling - Where Creativity Meets Technology
Discover Generative AI tools and create innovative art portfolios; Develop video skills for compelling content while learning various art history and styles. Unlock your artistic potential now!
Aerospace & Robotics
Push the Boundaries of Flight - Where Science Takes to the Skies
Who doesn't love space and robotics? Explore and equip hands-on STEM experience by teaching astronomy theories and applications and challenging students to build a fully functional satellite. Join and launch your child's passion for space now!


Proud Parents
Feedbacks from happy parents and kids inspire us everyday
James learned so much with his teacher and looks forward to joining the bootcamps every holiday. Last year, he created a Scratch game to promote the importance of recycling for his school project. It's great to see him code his creativity to reality.
Clara Yeung
Mother of James (Grade 2 student at VSA)
When Ashley codes, she is touching the future. I chose Preface because they are known for equipping kids with 21-century mindsets, which should have been done in every local school. But what fascinates me more is that Ashley always bugs me and asks me when the next class will be. Preface is literally the first and only classroom that she really can’t wait to go to and start learning.
Park Pu
Father of Ashley, VP of JP Morgan
Does my child need to have basic knowledge about coding before scheduling a class?
Why learn coding at a young age?
Who is suitable for Preface’s coding courses?
How do you customize the curriculum and materials for my child
How is my instructor qualified? Who are my instructors?