Brand Collaboration: Preface Coffee X Facebook "World Size Coffee"

In collaboration with Facebook, we launched the #WorldSizeCoffee for Facebook Good Causes Day

In December 2020, we have collaborated with Facebook, to launch the “Facebook Good Causes Day World Size Coffee” at Preface Coffee Tin Hau from 1 -18 December, to connect the community ad give a helping hand to people in need.

With the World Size Coffee, we shared data insights with mental health data across the world, to customers according to the % of coffee customers ordered.

With the special idea of “Drink Less, Donate The Rest”, we donated part of the coffee sales proceed of the campaign to Facebook #HearForYou Mental Health Program’s NGO Partners.

By choosing a percentage between 10% to 100%, we served customers the “World Size Coffee” with a piece of data insight about mental health printed on the cup. (e.g. a data of 30% of people feel anxious if they cannot reach their mobile phones will be presented with the 30% World Size Coffee).

With this campaign, the beneficiary organizations include Agent of Change, Caritas Youth and Community Service, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), St. James’ Settlement – Official and The Samaritans Hong Kong.

Wish to see what other innovative projects that we have launched? Take a look at our Instagram or Facebook for our latest news.

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